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Arrest Record and Court Records
U.S. Public Records - All States and Counties!

•Search Includes: When conducting a background check on any citizen of the United States your search results can include the following information: public records, criminal history, arrest records, outstanding warrants, police reports, court records, child support warrants, marriage/divorce records, birth/death records, current address, traffic violations, DUI charges and more. If a search results in partial or incomplete data, the reasons for this could be, the record may not be available through the data system, a record may have been expunged, the person you're searching is not a U.S. citizen, or the incident took place longer than 20-years ago (our record data bases only provide up to a 20 year history). 

•RecordsArrest: is a premier educational resource and search site pertaining to arrest records in the United States. This search engine was designed to allow a nationwide search for arrest records, warrants, court records and background information for any United States citizen. allows you to instantly and privately search public, court, criminal and background information. Our public records are official data feeds from public and private data bases. We strive to keep our records up-to-date and accurate as possible to provide the end user with the best results on the web.
What You Should Know About Arrest Records
Arrest Records
Your Legal Rights
What to do
What is an Arrest Record
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The Site to Find All U.S. Arrest Records and Public Background Information.
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DISCLAIMER: This report is not legal advice. You need to do your own due diligence to determine if the content is right for your Individual purposes.
The publisher of this report is not liable for any damages or losses associated with the content in this report.

•As a recognized and trusted online information resource, our data system will allow you to find continuous updated information on court records, public records, civil records, warrants, arrest records and all other background information.
• is not affiliated in anyway with Federal or State government agencies.
• is not a consumer reporting agency as based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and the information in our
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Get The Legal Facts About Arrest Records in the United States

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The Truth  About Arrest Records
If arrested for any reason, your police and court record now becomes a public record. When an arrest results in criminal charges, the case details will be held in the court's records or public archives, meaning that anyone can view your criminal activity at any time. The easiest way to conduct a background search is by simply using an online search service. You could also go to the local courthouse if you so desire to obtain the information in person. It's important to note that arrest records will show up on background checks even if your case was dismissed or you were found not guilty. All arrest records are available to the public unless the record has been sealed or removed legally by the court system.

A criminal record in the United States consists of federal, state and local criminal records that have been reported by various law enforcement agencies in each state. A criminal record displays the full name of the person, including any aliases, maiden or former names and lists personal information such as date of birth, height, weight, race, hair and eye color, gender and height. Any and all convictions, as well as the outcome of each conviction whether it resulted in probation, parole or jail time are documented and public domain.

Certain arrest records, however, are not accessible to the public. If an arrest resulted in no charges or if the record was sealed, expunged or pardoned it will not show up on a background report. Juvenile records are also generally unavailable to the public to respect the rights of minors.

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Complete, accurate search.
Our instant nationwide search system has access to thousands of record sources, public databases, and proprietary search databases to yield the most accurate results. Our SmartSearch Technology allows you to download and view records ad reports within minutes.

Instant record and complete background check for any person. Check to see if you have Active Warrants, Outstanding Warrants, Court Record Dates, Arrest Records, Driving Violations, DUI's, Child Support Warrants, Criminal History, and more. Find all records on file for any person throughout the United States.

Guarantee of privacy. Although our records are official data records from public and data bureau sources, your searches and transactions through our system are 100% confidential and secure and are not recorded in
anyway with government bureaus.

Arrest Records
Outstanding Warrants
State Criminal Check
National Criminal Check

Child Support Warrants
Current Address
Property Records

U.S. Public Records
Court Records
Background History
DUI/Traffic Warrants

Marriage Records
Divorce Records
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